Friday, September 11, 2009

So I have decided . . .

That these first few days in Bruges are very similar to orientation week at Furman. There are a lot of fun activities (this time furnished by Rotary and Rotoract), they keep you very busy. It almost seems as if you are on vacation. I am in Europe after all. I even went to the beach today! (Only fifteen minutes away!) But then, they hit you with classes. I just keep reading the line in my letter from the College of Europe that says classes will be held six days a week and that "students should accept this schedule. The work load will be quite hard." Gee, thanks for getting me excited about all of this. I am just starting to feel better and then I will start classes. Yikes! I really don't remember who thought it was a good idea to start grad school right after undergrad; and try to finish in ONE YEAR. Oh yeah, that was Dr. Brent Nelsen. Thanks. I hope it works out. But at the moment I am FREAKING OUT!!! Because I know the fun can't (and won't) last. Classes will be hard. I know I will be fine, I just have to go through my annual school freak out as my mother can attest to. Well, I still have a couple days of freedom. Wish me luck and lots of prayers! Love from Bruges.


  1. Yeah, the beach, pretty freaking awesome. Some surprises are really nice!
