Happy Easter everyone! I returned to Bruges on Monday after a fantastic weekend in Paris (post on that to follow) to find my mailbox overflowing with STUFF! I was so excited! Three responses to the Post 100 challenge came in this weekend and boy did you guys do a great job. From Min and Papa I received 100 beads and various other jewelry making stuff along with enough gum to last me the rest of my life (thanks!). From Erin I received a box of 100+Jujubes (which we used to laugh about thanks to an episode of Sister Sister. Yes Erin, I do remember. Hahaha!). Finally, my Mom sent me 100 Reese's Pieces, a beautiful Vera Bradley clutch, and the cutest bunny card ever. So thank you guys! You made my week! I am munching on the Jujubes now and I can't wait to savor the peanut buttery goodness of the Reese's Pieces. Postcards are in the mail!
Peace, Love, and Waffles.
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