Saturday, February 6, 2010

Song of the Week: 11 . . . and a bit more

This week is a tough one.  I have been so busy that I have not had a lot of time to check out new music much less scour my iTunes for someone I have not listened to in a while.  Literally, this week was nuts!  After spending the entire first semester within the confines of the "ring" of Bruges, I have been to Brussels three times in one week, and not just to the train station.  On Tuesday we were required to wake up obscenely early to get to the Council building by 9:30 for a briefing on ESDP planning tactics (it sounds way cooler than it actually is).  Then, on Thursday I had to go to the Commission's DG Dev offices to conduct an interview for my masters thesis.  And as I type this I am getting ready to walk out the door to meet some friends who are cooking me dinner ( TEX MEX!!!!!!) as a belated birthday celebration.  I am beyond excited about tonight, but toss in a group presentation, a paper due in two weeks, and ever more thesis responsibilities and you have one exhausted grad student.  I should have done a bit of studying today but I went shopping instead.  Woops.  Oh well, there is always tomorrow.  And believe me, the European Union will still be here tomorrow.  
Ok, so back to music.  With all of the running around - in heels, I might add - that I have been doing this week, this song is rather appropriate.  The song is called "Running." This is the acoustic version and so you can't download it from iTunes (you can get the original), but it is just SOOOO deliciously good that I had to share.  I LOVE this band.  They are called "This Century" and they have some amazing stuff out right now, so please check them out.  I cannot wait to see them in concert when I get back to the States!  They are at the top of my "must see" list.  I hope you enjoy the song.  Have a great rest of the weekend everyone and look for more updates soon!

Peace, Love, and Waffles.

1 comment:

  1. It's my boyfriend!!!

    P.S. I think that when your program is over, you need to make yourself a mix with all of your songs of the week 1-the end.
