Sunday, February 14, 2010

Post 100!!

Good morning everyone.  Or for those a little closer to my time zone, good afternoon!  Today is an exciting day here is Bruges.  Not only is it Valentine's Day (my favorite made-up holiday), but this marks my 100th post on this blog!  I am so excited!  Really, there is no reason to be excited, but 100 posts makes me feel like I have accomplished something.  I have enjoyed keeping this blog almost more than anything I've done this year (and that is saying a lot).  I love having this outlet to write my musings and to share my adventures in grad school and beyond with all of my family and friends.  So thank you, dear readers, for your comments, your encouragement, and for giving me a reason to be here.
Now, I don't want this post to get too sappy, but I do want to mark it somehow. I have been living in Europe for 158 days, I have posted on this blog 100 times, and I have been introducing you to new music and great bands for over 12 weeks now!  So tell me, readers; what should I do to commemorate this moment?  Remember in grade school - I know we did this at Our Redeemer and I am sure it was done elsewhere - when you celebrated the 100th day of school?  All of the kids had to bring in 100 of something.  There were jars of marshmallows, M&Ms, Skittles, Sprees, Gummy Bears, and Reese's Pieces.  There were paper chains, special calendars, even special songs.  Those were the days.  When the simple fact that you had made it through 100 days of learning to read, write, and do arithmetic merited a large, glutenous, semi-educational celebration.  I feel like I deserve a similar celebration.  Now, I don't have large jars of M&Ms or Skittles waiting in the wings for a day like today and I haven't made a paper chain.  I am kind of at a loss as to how to celebrate.  100 waffles is out of the question for various obvious reasons.  100 Belgian chocolates would be slightly more feasible, but the results would be much the same as the waffles, I fear.  So here is what I am going to do.  I am going to take 100 pictures of this city over the next ten days and then post them here for you to enjoy.  I realize that living here for so long has made me a bit complacent.  I am no longer a tourist but I need to get back to my tourist roots and start enjoying this beautiful city again.  To do that, I need to strap on my camera and get myself lost for a few afternoons.  So keep your eyes out for new picture posts coming soon!
If you would like to help me celebrate this momentous occasion, you can send me a package filled with 100 things - ideas for content are listed above.   Or, if a package is out of your reach, send me a postcard from wherever you are.  In exchange, you will receive a picture of your package/postcard posted on the blog as well as a delightful, charming, and well-worth the postage postcard in return.
So help me celebrate my 100th post and enjoy your Valentine's Day!

Peace, Love and 100 Waffles.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your 100th post!!! That truly is exciting, and I admire your dedication. My blog has ups and downs in posts, sometimes with weeks of nothing. I will send you something to celebrate; what, I don't know, but you will find out soon!!!
