Tuesday, October 6, 2009

My Brain Hurts

I had eight hours of lecture today. I haven't had that much solid school since high school. That was four years ago. I think that attention spans actually grow shorter as you get older. Someone should do a study. Anyway, it was rainy again today, and, shocker, the forecast calls for rain everyday this week. In addition to a new umbrella, I may also need to invest in a mac and some new wellies. We'll see. Anyway, back to class today. Despite being cooped up for a cruel and unusually long time, class was pretty awesome today. Yes, awesome. This favorable description is due to the fact that our International Negotiation class began today. The professor, Dr. Paul Meerts, is fantastic! And trust me, I know a good professor when I see one. The class itself was so fun! Instead of 200 pages of reading followed be 5 hours of lecture that sounds exactly like the reading (ok, this is a generalization, but still), we actually NEGOTIATED!! Turns out this is a practical course. We have a workbook, we do exercises, have mini negotiations, and actually have the opportunity to participate, interact, and feel as if we are learning some truly practical skills. It was sooooooo much fun! This is what I want to do if I end up in politics. I want to be in the room making the important deals. I love it! It is great! I am actually looking forward to next week's five hour course! That's saying something. So it may have been raining today, but the sun is shining (at least momentarily) on my academic life. There is hope dear friends.
Enough gushing about courses. I'll let you go. Have a great morning, afternoon, or night (depending on your time zone)!


1 comment:

  1. that is so awesome, ali! im glad to hear it! it's truely a good feeling when you're taking a productive class. and to be excited about the next 5 hour class!? hook me up with this guy!
