Ok, I am back. So tomorrow is Halloween, but unfortunately, like cake, one is hard pressed to find anything to do with ghosts, goblins, ghouls, witches, and vampires in Bruges. It's quite a shame really. Halloween has always been my favorite holiday and I cannot wait until I can be at home to celebrate it (maybe one day soon). So I wanted to dress up as a really cool vampire this year, and I wanted to find a large hooded cloak for my costume. I searched and searched and searched and came up with nothing. No costume shops stocked with Halloween delights here. I can't really blame them, Halloween is an American thing and Bruges has a lot of other stuff going for it. I am just sad I couldn't find my cloak. But I will figure something out. Anyway, I give my first Rotary presentation tomorrow to my host Rotary Club. I am pretty excited about that! I am glad to be making some more contacts and I hope my presentation goes well. Wish me luck!
Also in recent news, I just found out that I got all of my first choice courses for next term and my preferred thesis advisor! YAY!! The only downside is that my advisor has asked for a thesis outline by November 25. Wait. We're supposed to write a thesis this year? Oh yeah, I forgot. What with all of these other things to do . . . .
But I will just deal with that later. Next semester to be exact. Although, the way things are moving, that is tomorrow. Hahaha. Deliriously funny.
Ok, well that has pretty much been my week. I am now going to make a vain, but hopefully successful attempt to finish one of my papers tonight. Happy Friday.
Peace, love, and waffles.
PS, a huge shout out to Erin who sent me a GINORMOUS package this week. The other American students have been hitting me up for gum ever since. :) And I am not going to lie, I have been eating the peanut butter with a spoon. So thanks, love!
PPS, due to the sudden influx of home-country generosity, I will no longer be in need of candy for quite some time. I will, however, be accepting other donations of non-edible, fun, frivolous goodies that can fit easily in a box. Just in case anyone was interested. :)
Ok,ok, seriously, I'll stop now. Have a good night everyone!
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