Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Short and Sweet

So I just read my last post and realized that it was probably too long for the information it gave.  So this one will be short (but hopefully good).  It's a rainy Tuesday afternoon in Bruges.  I just finished my first paper and am about to start researching for the other two I have due in the next two weeks.  But I thought I would take a short break and write a quick post.  Remember what I said about the weather?  Well, it heard me and today's high is 45.  Yikes!  So my run this morning was a bit chillier than usual, but quite refreshing.
No class today, but work, work, work.  I did manage to take a small break after lunch to "shop." I am on the prowl for a cute winter hat.  My bangs are long enough now that I can wear a floppy hat without looking like I am on chemo-therapy or a man.  So I really want to find a good one.  I really want a yellow hat!  So far, not much luck, but I am optimistic.  Yellow and purple are the colors this season so I think I just need to expand my search.
Anyway, nothing else too exciting going on.  I have another Rotary presentation to give on Thursday and I am looking forward to that. (I think dinner is involved and any excuse not to eat at the dining hall is ok by me).  These are also my last two weeks of class, so it is a mad dash to the finish line.  I'll need some serious prayers as I head into exams!

Well, I promised to keep it short and this is the best I can do.  I will bother you with more musings on the simple things in life at a later date.  As for today, just have a good one!

Peace, Love, and of course, Waffles.

1 comment:

  1. "...without looking like I am on chemo-therapy or a man". HAHAHA! this made me laugh out loud. why are you so awesome??
