Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Depths of Procrastination

My first exam is on November 30.  And while my dreams have been plagued with visions of total failure, I am still unable to motivate myself to really study.  To give you a taste of the extent to which I am capable of procrastinating, I have made three new iTunes playlists this week, viewed several useless Youtube videos, re-watched the latest episode of Survivor twice, and drew a picture.  This is just the beginning.  I also started an application for the Peace Corps and have vacuumed my room twice.  The depths of procrastination were reached recently when I began taking the seasonal quizzes on  Now, I love Martha Stewart.  This, by now, should be common knowledge.  However, under no circumstances do I support the quizzes she has available on her website.  But I have reached a low point in my life where the thought of taking a quiz is exponentially more appealing than reading a scholarly article about European law.  For example, just a couple of days ago, I took a quiz entitled "How well do you know your cat?"  (I know, I know, I kind of hate myself for it.)  This particular quiz was prepared by a "cat expert." Seriously Martha?  The woman employs an in-house cat expert?  But at the same time, I can't talk.  I took the stupid quiz.  Believe me, it was really stupid.  So stupid in fact that I emailed the link to my Mom so she could take it.  The saddest part?  I got a perfect score.  I don't even like cats, not even my own.
Today I took a Thanksgiving-themed quiz entitled "What Thanksgiving Side Dish are You?"  Honestly, I couldn't care less.  Yet, once again, I took the quiz.  This time, I was highly disappointed to discover that I am "roasted root vegetables."  First of all, what the heck kind of side dish is that?  And second, why couldn't I have been the green bean casserole with extra Funions?  It was at this point, when I realized I was actually disappointed with my results, that I knew I had hit rock bottom.
So I may be a cat expert and a roasted root vegetable side dish, but I am in no way, shape, or form ready for these exams.  Or at least not ready to begin studying.
So if you are interested, I am currently accepting donations in the form of distractions.  Send me an email, a Facebook message, Skype me whenever I am online, comment on the blog!  But please, don't send quizzes.  I have enough on my plate as it is.

Peace, Love, and Waffles (no roasted root vegetables, thanks).


  1. hahaha! i laughed out loud the whole time while reading this... i can just hear you saying every single one of these sentences! good luck with studying!

  2. p.s. this is one of my favorite posts.

  3. Too bad you don't have an oven. You could use up more time baking.

  4. Music seems to be a good distraction! :)
    Anyways, I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving; we'll be missing you here!
    Love ya
