On this very day just one year ago, I was graduating from Furman University, celebrating with all of my very best friends, and looking forward to what the coming year would bring. Well, it's hard to believe, but that first year ends today. I have been pretty hard on myself this year. I often look at where I am and think, I should be doing more, I should have done more, why have I not accomplished more this year? The other day, I was looking through my Facebook profile pictures and realized just how many places I have been and just how much I
have done over the course of my first year, post college. Now I would like to share some of my favorite memories with my readers who have experienced much of this year right along with me. So here is a short recap, bookended by the ever important date, May 9th.
1. Ashley Wesche surprised me by coming to my graduation with her husband, Dean. Her parents, my godparents, came as well, but Ashley had told me she couldn't come. I was SO surprised!
2. After graduation I spent a week at Hilton Head with Mia, Jordan, Mom, and Dad. It was four days of margaritas, cheese and crackers, and an unexpected ocean swim with a pod of dolphins.
3. A few weeks after returning from South Carolina, Jordan and I set off on a road trip to Washington D.C. He had an internship to get to and needed some company on the 14 hour drive. It was a great drive through our beautiful country. There was a lot of good conversation, crazy weather, gummy bears and good music involved.
4. At the end of July, I set off for South Africa to visit Ben for a couple of weeks in Stutterheim. This is not only one of my favorite memories of the year, but of my entire life. In those two weeks I experienced my first trip to the southern hemisphere and my first winter in July. I dipped my toes in the Indian Ocean, painted a mural with a group of amazing South African high school students, saw lots of monkeys, cattle, and crazy looking birds, traveled through an eye-opening slum, and looked out over a harbor at the beauty of Table Mountain. I will never forget the amazing landscapes, the unique culture, and the look on the little boy's face who had never seen a white person before.
5. A few weeks after my return from SA and just a couple of days before leaving for school, my family and I drove to Nebraska to see one of Mia's soccer games at Seward. It was a long and painful trip, but I am so happy I got to see her play! Then I was off to Bruges, Belgium for my master's year at the College of Europe! My first few days were extremely eventful. I met Paul and Kaatje, two new and lasting friends. I moved into my new temporary home and met Rita, the Italian girl across the hall who has been like a sister to me this year. I dipped my feet in the North Sea. I passed my exams.
6. November brought Sally to Bruges from Trévoux and I spent one of the best 24 hours with my best friend. We had beer, waffles, frites, late-night Youtube sessions, and even a haircut. Hooray for friends.
7. Christmas break brought my family over to this side of the pond. We spent a snowy Christmas in Hamburg, Germany with some very close friends. Traveled to Bruges and experienced the rain, cold, and waffles (some of us for the first time). Then we hit the the Eurostar and headed to London for a whirlwind tourist experience and one of the best New Year's Eve celebrations I can remember. Champagne and surround sound. 'Nuff Said.
8. The new semester at the CoE started too early for my liking, but it started well. I was closer to my friends here, even though my friends at home were as far away as ever. Alex and I managed to tackle Poland in February with much success. There were drinks and sushi in Warsaw, a surprise concert in a beautiful church, an unbelievable trip to Krakow and Auschwitz, and my first trip to Eastern Europe.
9. Easter break brought a trip to Paris where I met up with Sally and Sarah for a weekend of laughter, Disneyland Paris shenanigans, Alice in Wonderland, and too many pains au chocolat to count. This is one of my best memories from the year.
10. April was a big blur called the thesis. But I have to admit that finishing my thesis is one of my greatest accomplishments of the year.
That brings me to today. I know I have left plenty of things out, but hopefully this brief list can give you an overview of some of my favorite memories from the year. I can't believe it, but this year is over. And as my master's program is winding down and I am looking at the prospects and possibilities that await me in my future life, I have to remind myself to be hopeful. Things have turned out to be pretty grand so far, and I am only one year into this thing called "real life." So, three oceans, three continents, and seven countries later, I can look back and be proud of this first year. Thanks for all of your support. I couldn't have trotted the globe and stayed in one piece without the help of my friends and family. You guys rock and I can't wait to share the rest of my adventures with you.
Peace, Love, and Waffles.
PS, Happy Mother's Day to my Mom and all of the other Mommies out there!