Sunday, January 24, 2010

Song of the week: 9

Ahhhh!  Oh no!  It is actually Sunday here (although only by an hour and a half) and I have yet to do the song of the week.  Shame.  Ah well, here it is.  Better late than never and better late it is.  Because of the birthday I have received several generous gifts of iTunes gift cards - the gift that keeps on giving.  I have been paring down my wish list since the start of the school year and have finally purchased an EP I have been dying to get into my library for a while.  His name is Austin Gibbs and his band is known as Austin Gibbs and the States.  His music is chill, cool, and perfect for a drive through the countryside on winding roads with the windows rolled down ( not that I get to do that too often here.  Okay, let's be honest, I never get to do that here).  So I like to picture myself driving down a winding road with the windows rolled down; it's the best I can do.  But Austin Gibbs can bring you to that place.  So have a listen to "All By Yourself."  
In other news, I am just coming back from the Anglophone National Party.  At the College, each nationality is required to host a week of cultural events followed by a national party to promote awareness of all of the cultures at the school.  This week was that anglophone week, co-hosted by the UK, Ireland, Australia, Malta, and the US.  We had a few politicians in to give talks this week and then tonight we rented out the Irish Pub in Bruges to host our party.  For the lack of planning and organization that went into everything, it was a success.  We had over 200 people come to the party and so we actually made a bit of money on the event (which was surprising)!  So I am pretty pleased.
I am also pleased to be getting out of town tomorrow!  Paul and Kaatje are taking Rita and me to Ostend to visit the city, walk around the beach, and then are having us over for dinner at their house.  I am so excited!  I don't even care that I really don't even have the time to go, I am just so excited to be going.  Hopefully I will get some good pictures out of the day and can share some with my readers.  I hope everyone is having a great weekend.  Keep checking back here for updates - even if they are rather sporadic.

Peace, Love, and Waffles.

1 comment:

  1. Austin Gibbs is the I really wish they'd officially record "Vanilla." Fave. Can't wait till we see him play (particularly/hopefully with our dream team line up- eep!).

    Can't wait to hear about your weekend!
