Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Results are In

I am just going to come right out and say it: Friday was one of the most nerve-wracking days of my entire life.  The word "nervous," though, does not even begin to describe how I felt when I discovered that our exam results were waiting for us in our student mailboxes.  "Sheer panic" would be a better way to describe how I felt, but that doesn't even cover it.  As usual, my grade anxiety kept me from ripping the envelope open immediately; so I folded it in half and stashed it in my bag and waited for a more private moment to confirm my doom.  Most people, unfortunately, do not share my love of privacy in these matters.  I was forced to sit for for four hours through the rest of class and then lunch, scanning faces for distress and/or tears and listening for exclamations of joy or the silence of failure.  It was awful.  
When I got back to my room (after treating myself to a deluxe waffle from Haagen Dazs.  What?  I needed SOMETHING to calm my nerves), my Mom Skyped me and watched me fall apart in the presence of an unopened envelope.  I could not bring myself to open the results on my own, so later, when I was ready, Mom called me back and I held my transcript up to the camera with my eyes shut tight.  I was crying and nearly hyperventilating.  I explained that anything under an 11 was really bad.  My Mom scanned the page and then told me it was okay to look.  And then I really cried.  From relief this time.  
My scores are as follows:

External Aspects of EU Internal Policies -- 15
The EU in a Global Political Economy Context -- 14.5
The EU as a Foreign Policy Actor -- 14
International Negotiation -- 13.5
Diplomacy Today -- 17.5
Legal Aspects of the EU's External Relations -- 15

11 is a passing grade and no one gets higher than an 18 (even though the scores go up to 20).  

Needless to say, I am beyond happy.  A bit of celebrating and now it is time to get back to work.  At least now my presence here has been affirmed by the powers that be.  I do belong here.  I do know enough about the European Union.  And maybe, just maybe, I will leave here with a masters degree in June.

Thanks everyone for all of your support over the past few months.  I couldn't have done it without you. 

Peace, Love, and Waffles.


  1. Yay Ali!! Congratulations!!
    Isn't it nice to find out you're smarter than you thought?

  2. I had no doubts that you would do well! Congrats!!

  3. So proud Ali! You were about to give me a panic attack reading this! You did fantastic though! Congrats :)

  4. YEA!!!!!!!!!!!! I KNEW you could to do it! Congratulations!!!!!!!
