Thursday, December 3, 2009

Ummm, So, Yeah

Sorry for the lack of posts people, but Happy December!  Can you believe it's here?  The year is almost over, Bruges is dressing itself for Christmas, and I am in the midst of exams.  Two down, four to go.  Can I just interject here that it is NOT FAIR (I know that whole thing about life not being fair, but just hear me out) that ALL of the other departments at the College have only 4 exams.  IRD has 6.  And we have 4 days less in which to complete them.  What the heck?  Ok, mini-rant over.
So the first exam was Monday, over legal aspects of the EU's external relations (aka it was a law course) and it was terrible.  My nightmare exam.  The worst test I have taken in my life.  Today I had EU economic aspects; exceedingly less scary, but also not easy.  This one was not too bad and I even finished early.  Monday the fun begins all over again, so I apologize in advance for the lack of posts in December.
I promise to write a long, happy, celebratory post on December 18th when my last exam is over.  Then I will write another when my family arrives on the 23rd.  I can't wait!
I hope your Decembers have begun with hot chocolates, Christmas music, and all around holiday cheer!

Peace, Love, and Waffles.