Monday, December 14, 2009

Creative Studying

My study partner and I have been spending WAY too much time together over the past three weeks and it is starting to show.  However, we have managed to devise a sure-fire way to remember information and study effectively.  Reflecting on the absurdity and utter utility of the arrangement, I thought I would share it with you.
First, we study 2009 style.  Meaning we study together, but on Skype.  That's right, Skype.  We live in different residencies about 6 minutes apart (that's a long distance in Bruges) and with Bruges' pattern of ceaseless rain and increasing cold, Skype is just plain convenient.  Why be in the same room with someone when you can stay at home and still study together?
Second, we study . . . theatrically.  By this I mean we employ shallow, usually food or designer label-related analogies to help us remember serious facts.  For instance, I can now tell you all about the European Union's Neighborhood Policy by reducing the situation to a Mean-Girls-esque high school cafeteria scenario involving chocolate cupcakes and Lacoste Polos.  In addition to cruel social hierarchies and chocolate-fudge cupcakes, we often enjoy employing accents.  This is one thing we are both quite good at.  Sometimes we carry on a two-hour long conversation as girls from the Bronx.  Or on occasion we explain the workings of the WTO to one another in full-French disguise.  It is hilarious and the information sticks.  Tonight we just wrapped up a study session for our Negotiation Skills course where we analyzed a negotiation while playing two middle-aged Italian/American women from Brooklyn who needed to negotiate with their butcher who was upping the price and lowering the quality of his meat.  If that is not exam preparation, then I don't know what is.
So there you have it: proof that I am insanely creative.  Or perhaps just insane.  But the good news is I found someone as insane and creative as I am.  Next time you find yourself at a loss for a method of remembering the EU's military missions, grab a partner, bake some cupcakes, and slap on a Brooklyn accent.  Works every time.

Peace, Love, and Bagels (I mean Waffles).


  1. Zach is downstairs with tow other guys studing for finals.I will share your advice with them. Thanks! Aunt Lynn

  2. haha, I love it, and I wish that I would not get made fun of till the point of death if I were to do something like that. Love you and see you soon!!!!!!!

  3. Only you, Ali, only you!
    Love ya!!
